In fact, on November 2022 the TRIBUTE living labs on city mobility produced their first reports. These will be feeding the ongoing activities of the TRIBUTE Transnational Network (TN) of stakeholders in the Adriatic-Ionian (AI) Region. The implementation of the pilot actions continued in the 8 cities involved in the projects. City of Sarajevo is working on the implementation of the mobility islands, as a new concept of sustainable urban mobility. The islands of mobility includes a charging station for electric vehicles, parking for bicycles and other equipment that contributes to urban mobility, while the Lead Partner, the Politecnico di Milano, is investigating the enabling factors and the potential barriers for the transferability of the pilot actions to the other cities of the AI Region. On December 16th a Steering Committee (STC) meeting has been organized on-line with the presence the representatives of the Adrion JS in order to adjust the spending for the final reporting period and to prepare the next STC and the 3rd TN meeting to be held in Zagreb on 7-8 February 2023.