Within the Department of Energy, CETEOR offers specialized consulting services with a focus on energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy sources (RES).
Very aware of the importance of rationalization in energy consumption and the use of renewable energy sources in the building sector, as well as in production processes, district heating and utilities (public lighting, water supply, waste management,…), we create optimal technical solutions for our customers to improve their business and increase market competitiveness.
The expertise of our engineering team and experience in the successful implementation of dozens of domestic and foreign projects are a guarantee of the quality of our services.
As the pioneer in energy efficiency in Bosnia and Herzegovina, CETEOR is the first company in Bosnia and Herzegovina authorized by the Federal Ministry of Physical Planning to conduct detailed energy audits and energy certification of buildings with simple and complex technical systems (UPI / 03-23-2- 209/11). We have maintained the position of the leading company in the field of EE even today, which is confirmed by more than 500 detailed energy audits and issued certificates.
Innovative technical solutions and a multidisciplinary approach in the implementation of EE and RES projects (biomass, wind, water, solar and geothermal energy), is exactly why our clients in BiH and abroad, again show their confidence.
Consulting services within the Department of Energy
- Conducting detailed energy audits and preparation of energy certificates for buildings with simple and complex technical systems;
- Conducting energy audits of utilities (public lighting, water supply, waste management,…) and production processes;
- Preparation of reports based on reliably performed energy audits with which clients can apply to available financial support programs for the implementation of the proposed EE measures;
- Conducting techno-economic analysis, optimal and complete solutions for achieving energy savings and reducing costs for owners / users of existing buildings (residential, public, commercial, industrial and all other buildings);
- Creation of modern solutions for the improvement of energy and technological processes from the aspect of energy consumption in industrial companies, as well as support in finding financial resources, preparation of documentation and technical assistance;
- Professional assistance to designers and investors in the construction of new facilities in the design phase, in order to most adequately ensure the minimum prescribed low-energy and / or “passive” characteristics of their facility, considering options for efficient use of energy from renewable sources and application of modern technical systems;
- Development of feasibility studies and conceptual solutions for rehabilitation, expansion, modernization or construction of new district heating systems for utilities / local government;
- Development of feasibility studies and conceptual solutions for expansion, modernization or construction of new public lighting systems for utilities / local government;
- We offer local and public administration professional support in the process of preparing strategic documents (action plans and programs to improve EE) and spatial planning in order to define and achieve optimal energy supply, and assistance in establishing energy management systems to efficiently use and achieve planned savings;
- Through investments in EE, RES and other projects that result in a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, we offer investors cooperation in applying for projects such as CDM (Clean Development Mechanism) and similar projects, which can generate additional financial income, ie reduce investment costs. (Thanks to successful partnerships with international companies OneCarbon, Orbeo, or Solvay Energy Services, our service includes conducting a complete procedure).
As an authorized training provider of the Program for professional training and advanced training of energy auditors in FBiH (by the decision of the Federal Ministry of Physical Planning UPI / 03-23-2-303 / 10), since 2010 CETEOR has been successfully educating mechanical, architectural, civil engineering and electrical engineers for authorization / license for conducting detailed energy audits and energy certification of buildings with simple (Module 1) and complex technical systems (Module 2).