The needs for continuous education of managers and professional development of operational staff are becoming more intense, especially in more technologically advanced and export-oriented companies. Market challenges, on the one hand, and competition, on the other hand, require new ideas and new knowledge from management and other employees, which, as a rule, can be acquired only through systematically organized, permanent education and training.
For these reasons, the Department of Education was organized, whose mission is fully determined by the basic tasks and modern educational and program orientation of CETEOR. Namely, the vital need for the adoption of new ideas, knowledge and skills is growing every day, so that there are no more dilemmas “to educate or not”, but the question arises “in what, how and where to educate and improve?”
The Department of Education primarily defines, prepares and implements professional training programs for managers and operational workers, because investing in the knowledge of business people for productive work, and their motivation for efficient entrepreneurship, today in a modern business-dynamic world, becomes the backbone of enterprise development and business.
In this regard, the Department of Education has developed the following forms of education and training:
Environmental education
- School for Waste Management Experts – in the Nomenclature of Occupations in the FBiH, the occupation “Waste Management Expert” has been defined, code – 214922
- Seminars in the field of waste management (packaging, electrical and electronic, construction waste, medical waste, hazardous waste, etc.)
- Professional seminars in the field of air emissions measurement and noise measurement
- Seminars and conferences on air quality
- Seminars in the field of occupational safety and fire protection
- Other professional seminars and webinars related to specific topics and needs of our clients
Energy education
- Training and development program for energy audits and energy certification of facilities with simple (Module 1) and complex (Module 2) technical systems – according to Decision 02/10, Federal Ministry of Physical Planning (FMPU) from 31.12.2010. years.
- School “Energy efficiency and energy management” – in the Nomenclature of occupations in the FBiH, the occupation “Expert in energy and water management” was defined, code – 214923
- Professional seminar – Measurement methods for performing energy audits
- International Energy Council (organized every two years)
- Other professional seminars and webinars in the field of energy / energy efficiency tailored to customer needs.
Education programs are thematic, methodological-didactic and professionally tailored to the client, his profile and specific needs. The implementation of the program uses a modern approach that includes the engagement of professional lecturers, interactive methods, group work, case studies and practical exercises with the active participation of participants. The methods are adapted to the professional and work experiences and knowledge of the participants.

Energy certification
CETEOR is an authorized training provider of the Program for professional training and advanced training of energy auditors in the FBiH (by the decision of the Federal Ministry of Physical Planning of 31.12.2010 Decision No. UPI / 03-23-2-303 / 10), and has been successfully educating graduate mechanical engineers for 10 years , architecture, buildings and electrical engineering to obtain authorization / license to conduct detailed energy audits and energy certification of buildings with simple (Module 1), complex systems (Module 2) as well as a regular training program (Module 3).
Confirmation of our success is the fact that 95% of certified energy auditors in the FBiH have completed the training of CETEOR. The quality of the training we conduct, with a special emphasis on the practical part, ensures our participants the rapid acquisition of knowledge and independent performance of energy audits, which makes them more competitive and desirable in a demanding consulting market. In addition, all our participants, after obtaining the authorization to conduct detailed energy audits and energy certification of buildings, have the opportunity to be engaged in auditing projects conducted by CETEOR, and practically apply their knowledge and generate additional income.

Energy Council
The Energy Council in BiH with international participation is an event organized by CETEOR every two years. The general goal of this gathering is to gather in one place experts and project holders in the field of energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, communal energy and related fields in order to exchange information related to current and upcoming projects. Also, the goal is for local experts to hear some experiences from other countries in the region, and the experiences of holders of international projects that are currently current and present in BiH.
Global efforts to combat climate change are leading to new and more significant technical and organizational solutions, and their application is a great development opportunity for BiH. Therefore, BiH should be involved in this process for the purpose of economic development and employment, is one of the messages of the consultation.
Also, the message to be sent to this event is that through energy efficiency measures and replacement of fossil fuels with renewable energy sources, in addition to increasing employment, increase security in energy supply and reduce dependence on energy imports.
The Energy Council aims to bring together managers and experts from companies dealing with energy efficiency (EE), renewable energy sources (RES) and utilities, NGOs, university experts, scientists, professional organizations, consulting firms, representatives of ministries in charge of utilities, energy and environmental protection.