Pre-tender presentation of the Project Teslic municipality district heating system based on the public – private partnership model was held on 16th September 2019 at Hotel „Kardial“ Teslic. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) implements the „Regional Energy efficiency Programme (REEP)”, funded from the Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF). The project in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the area of technical assistance is implemented by the EBRD and led by the consortium CMS/ CETEOR/GMC.
Considering that Teslic Municipality doesn`t have established district heating system, the strategic commitment of the Municipality is to solve the problems of heating the urban area of the municipality. The objective of this project is to develop a proposal for a district heating system using biomass for the urban area of Teslic municipality, which would provide an organized, sustainable and environmentally acceptable heating system, and reduce heat losses and provide thermal comfort.
During the event the team of consultants engaged to provide technical support to the municipality of Teslic presented, to the potential private partners, the concept of the project at hand, a term sheet of the main contract terms, rights and obligations of the parties, the project’s parameters, risks, the contracting strategy, as well as the tender and project implementation timeline. Furthermore, within this event presentation of the project from technical, economic, environmental and other key aspects was given as well as its strategic implementation plan through all phases of the public-private partnership (PPP). The purpose of this event was to familiarize all stakeholders, i.e. potential private partners with the project and its conditions and suggestions before the preparation of tender documents based on the PPP model.
For pictures from the event click HERE.