ADRIREC Project Kick-off: ADRIatic ports for Renewable Energy Communities

We are pleased to announce that the ADRIREC project has officially started with the kick-off meeting held on September 18th, 2024, in Trieste. During the meeting, key project components were clarified, and we are ready for a successful start and implementation of the planned activities.

The ADRIREC project aims to support the clean energy transition of ADRION ports by transforming them into low-carbon clean energy hubs, utilizing the previously untapped potential of renewable energy sources and applying the innovative concept of renewable energy communities.

One of the main goals of the project is to develop a practical toolkit that will provide ports with guidance and advice for planning their clean energy transition. This is expected not only to reduce CO2 emissions and improve air quality but also to create a replicable platform for other ports based on the lessons learned from testing renewable energy sources.

With the enthusiasm and dedication of all partners, we believe that ADRIREC will make a significant contribution to combating climate change and achieving carbon neutrality in the Adriatic-Ionian region, resulting in cleaner air and a greener future.

Details can be found HERE

Project TRIBUTE - Newsletter

Tribute project is granted under the second call for axis 3 of the ADRION programme. The project officially started on January 2021, and ended on 30th September 2023. The consortium include 8 cities of the Adriatic-Ionian region (Ljubljana, Maribor, Milan, Novi Sad, Patras, Podgorica, Sarajevo, and Zagreb) led by Politecnico di Milano.

TRIBUTE aims at developing a transnational strategy for city transport in the Adriatic-Ionian Region, in line with new EU goals of sustainable, integrated, and inclusive mobility. Project partners adopted 8 Action Plans and developed 8 Pilot Actions, one for each city involved. Besides, a transnational Stakeholders Network has been set up to ensure project results transferability, and for sharing experiences, best practices in transport and mobility, even after project lifetime.

Read all the details about the TRIBUTE project in the News letter HERE..

CETEOR at the Partners kick-off meeting of the project “Academy for Transitional Skills in the Build Environment”

CETEOR at the Partners kick-off meeting of the project “Academy for Transitional Skills in the Build Environment”


From June 26 to June 28, 2023, in the city of Sofia, CETEOR participated in the kick-off meeting of project No. 101104419 “Academy for Transitional Skills in the Build Environment” (BuildSkills Academy), financed under the Erasmus+ program, co-financed by the European Union, was launched. The project started on June 1, 2023 with a total budget of 3,938,490.00 Euro.

The consortium brings together 17 partners from 10 European countries, who will work together to achieve the main goal of the project – creating a pan-European framework and scheme for certification and upgrading of knowledge and skills for the so-called “twin” transition (green and digital) with a focus on the construction sector. An important role in the project is played by organizations providing vocational education and training and their main task will be to update and adapt the services offered to the emerging new needs in the field of green and digital skills.

Within the framework of the project, a BuildEnrichedSkills methodology will be prepared to promote the offering of training related to the real needs of the labor market when applying the “lifelong learning” approach, incl. through reskilling and upskilling. A procedure will also be developed to support vocational education and training centers to boost the rapid adaptation of the workforce to the twin green and digital transition. Another leading objective is the creation of a certification framework for the recognition of skills and competences corresponding to the needs of the twin transition, which will serve as a reference at the global level for the improvement and certification of VET services.

The results achieved by the project will be transferred to 12 pilot projects in 6 countries, involving 300 trainees and reaching 100 vocational training providers, 1 000 companies and 20 organizations at European level in the field of construction skills thus achieving at least 100 collaborations between VET and industry.

“The project Academy for Transitional Skills in the Built Environment is co-funded by the European Union, ERASMUS+ Programme under Grant Agreement number: 101104419”.

#BuildSkills #VET #ErasmusPlus


VET Institutes in Western Balkans & the Green Sector Labor Market

Vocational Education and Training (VET) institutes in the Western Balkans are vital in meeting the demand for skilled professionals in the emerging green sector. These institutes offer specialized courses and practical training in sustainable energy, environmental conservation, and renewable resources.

The green sector labor market in the Western Balkans is rapidly growing, with governments and businesses investing in renewable energy and environmental initiatives. VET institutes bridge the skills gap by collaborating with industry stakeholders and preparing students for green job opportunities.

VET institutes shape the workforce of the future, nurturing environmentally conscious professionals who can make a positive impact on society and the economy. By embracing sustainability-focused education, the Western Balkans countries are driving a greener, more prosperous future.

Project ADDUPT – kick off meeting

On 7-8 March, the European partners of Addupt met in Madrid to start the project. The objective of this project is to respond to the needs of the VET institutes in the Western Balkans in order to develop concrete links with the labour market of the emerging green sector.

Join the workshop entitled: "Inclusive Leadership for Corporate Sustainability"

Join the workshop entitled: "Inclusive Leadership for Corporate Sustainability"

We invite you to register and join the workshop entitled: "Inclusive Leadership For Corporate Sustainability", sponsored by the ifc's women on boards and in business leadership (wbbl) program.

He workshop will be held from March 14 to 16, 2023 at the Novotel Sarajevo Bristol hotel. The training will be held in english language, without provided translation.

The aim of the training is to strengthen the executive line and increase the number of women in the boards. The program builds on ifc's focus on market creation and our understanding of the realities of emerging and developing economies.

Please read details about the workshop:

Final invite for training Inclusive Leadership for Company Sustainability

Western Balkan Countries Residential Energy Efficiency Market Assessment

CETEOR was sub-contracted  by Eco Ltd (E Co.) for the project „Western Balkan Countries Residential Energy Efficiency Market Assessment“, conducted for the World Bank. The implementation period of the project was from  February 2021 to December 2021. CETEOR’s role in the assignment was to collect and digest information about energy efficiency in the residential sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina, including policy and market information, energy parameters, and barriers to investment.


According to the applicable regulations on energy efficiency in FBiH, i.e. the "Regulation on conducting energy audits and issuing energy certificates" ("Official Gazette of the Federation of BiH" No. 87/18), for each newly constructed building, before the technical inspection, the investor/owner is obliged to obtain an Energy Certificate.

In 2021, after the conducted audit, CETEOR Sarajevo issued an Energy Certificate for the residential and commercial building "SARAJEVO TOWER" - Zone 1 (residential part).

Energy Efficiency Refurbishment of Public Buildings in Prizren

CETEOR Sarajevo has successfully implemented the project “Energy Efficiency Refurbishment of Public Buildings in Prizren” 2020, funded by European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). The overall objective of the Project is to introduce an integrated management support system for planning reliable and affordable energy renovation programmes for public buildings in the Municipality of Prizren.

The Study is prepared with presented: (i) comprehensive building stock database, (ii) review of the energy performance and possible solutions for up to 100 public buildings (identified schools and healthcare buildings) in Prizren and (iii) investment programme structured in three (3) main investment categories (short term, mid-term and long-term investments).

Implementation of EE investment program will generate a range of benefits for Prizren's economy, thus providing increased energy savings, diminishment of energy imports and a lower trade deficit, greater longevity of adjusted buildings and decreases in the emission of greenhouse gases.

Energy Efficiency Refurbishment of Public Buildings in Pristina

CETEOR Sarajevo has successfully implemented the project “Energy Efficiency Refurbishment of Public Buildings in Pristina” 2019, funded by European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). The overall objective of the Project is to introduce an integrated management support system for planning reliable and affordable energy renovation programmes for public buildings in the Municipality of Prishtina.

The Study is prepared with presented: (i) comprehensive building stock database, (ii) review of the energy performance and possible solutions for up to 50 public buildings (identified schools and healthcare buildings) in Pristina and (iii) investment programme structured in three (3) main investment categories (short term, mid-term and long-term investments).

Implementation of EE investment program will generate a range of benefits for Pristina's economy, thus providing increased energy savings, diminishment of energy imports and a lower trade deficit, greater longevity of adjusted buildings and decreases in the emission of greenhouse gases.