Call for papers

In the framework of the Council, participants have the opportunity to write professional papers that will be published in the Proceedings. Applied and accepted papers are exhibited at the Council within the session, according to the agreed schedule of the duration of the presentation, which will be timely announced to the participants.

All interested participants, the manual for writing papers can download on the website:; or fb:


The thematic areas for this year's Counseling are as follows:

  • Low carbon development
  • Energy Turn
  • Energy strategy at EU level and impact on BiH
  • State and entity energy strategies
  • Green Cities / Green infrastructure and smart / innovative technologies
  • EE in building and certification of facilities
  • Available public funds for EE and RES projects
  • Credit lines for EE and OIE projects
  • International projects in the field of EE and OIE
  • ESCO models
  • Business models of OIE projects
  • Communal energy
  • Passive and low-energy buildings
  • Public private partnership in EE and RES projects
  • Use of renewable energy sources in district heating systems
  • Practice examples at the local level
  • Energy Efficiency and Measurements
  • Crowdfunding (group financing)
  • Citizen Energy and Energy Cooperatives
  • Sustainable transport
  • Energy Efficiency in Industry










VII Energy Council

CETEOR Sarajevo announces a traditional two-day event that has been organized since 2007 and is the first in BiH to offer a platform for discussion on energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy sources (RES). The VII Energy consulting in BiH with the slogan 7E will be held from September 26 to 27, 2019 in Sarajevo, hotel Swissotel.

The aim of this year's Council is to encourage discussion on issues related to open issues that BiH faces in the context of energy transition and environmental protection, the reform and future of the EU energy and climate policy. A critical review of strategic documents will also be given, while encouraging joint engagement and holistic resolution of barriers at all levels of government.

CETEOR through long-term practice and work has always included key national and international institutions in the organization of the Council. In this way, the synergy between the needs of the market and the support of these organizations was achieved, thus achieving multiple benefits for all participants of the event.

At VII Counseling we expect:

  • representatives of line ministries / institutions;
  • equipment manufacturers and building materials;
  • representatives of international and domestic organizations;
  • experts and managers from energy organizations, industry, construction and transport, scientific and financial institutions;
  • representatives of local communities;
  • investors in EE and RES projects, and representatives of non-governmental organizations and the media.

Following the success of the previous six Councils, it was attended by:

600 participants from local and international institutions, representatives of academic and professional communities and non-governmental sector dealing with the policy of efficient use of resources and EE, increase of RES and greenhouse gas (CO2) emissions; you

Nearly 250 papers have been published.

The need for exchange of professional experiences from the current field is still on the rise, which is why the continuation of the tradition of organizing the Counseling, an event that is eagerly anticipated. Be Part VII of the Counseling-7E!

VII Savjetovanje o energetici u BiH

CETEOR Sarajevo najavljuje tradicionalni dvodnevni događaj koji se organizuje od 2007.godine i koji je prvi u BiH ponudio platformu za diskusiju o energijskoj efikasnosti (EE) i obnovljivim izvorima energije (OIE).

VII Savjetovanje o energetici u BiH sa sloganom 7E će se održati od 26 i 27. septembra 2019. godine u Sarajevu, u hotelu Swissotel.

Cilj ovogodišnjeg Savjetovanja je podstaći diskusiju o temama vezanim za otvorena pitanja sa kojima se BiH suočava u kontekstu energijske tranzicije i zaštite okoliša, te reforme i budućnosti EU energijske i klimatske politike. Također će se dati kritički osvrt na strateške dokumente, uz poticanje zajedničkog angažmana i holističkog rješavanja barijera na svim nivoima vlasti.

CETEOR kroz dugoročnu praksu i rad uvijek je uključivao ključne domaće i međunarodne institucije u organizaciju Savjetovanja. Na taj način uspijevala se postići sinergija između potreba tržišta i podrške ovih organizacija čime su ostvarivane višestruke koristi za sve učesnike događaja.

Na ovogodišnjem VII Savjetovanju očekujemo relevantne aktere iz oblasti energijske efikasnosti i obnovljivih izvora energije kao što su:

  • predstavnici resornih ministarstava/institucija;
  • proizvođači opreme i građevinskih materijala;
  • predstavnici međunarodnih i domaćih organizacija;
  • stručnjaci i menadžeri iz energetskih organizacija, industrije, zgradarstva i transporta, naučnih i finansijskih institucija;
  • predstavnici lokalnih zajednica;
  • investitori u projekte EE i OIE;
  • predstavnici nevladinih organizacija i medija.

Slijedom uspjeha dosadašnjih šest Savjetovanja kojima je prisustvovalo preko 600 učesnika domaćih i međunarodnih institucija, predstavnika akademskih i stručnih zajednica i nevladinog sektora koji se bave politikom efikasnog korištenja resursa i energijske efikasnosti, povećanjem učešća obnovljivih izvora energije i smanjenjem emisija stakleničkih gasova; te blizu 250 objavljenih stručnih radovaukazalo je da je potreba za razmjenom stručnih iskustava iz aktuelne oblasti i dalje u eksponencijalnom porastu i da je nastavak tradicije organizovanja Savjetovanja, događaj koji se željno očekuje. 

Instructions for authors

Application from - DOWNLOAD HERE.

Instruction for authors  DOWNLOAD HERE.

Uputstvo autorima

Obrazac za prijavu rada možete preuzeti OVDJE.

Uputstvo za pitanje radova možete preuzeti OVDJE.